Raw Pumpkin Seeds as a Dewormer for Chickens

Raw Pumpkin Seeds as a Dewormer for Chickens

Raw Pumpkin Seeds as a Dewormer for Chickens

Raw Pumpkin Seeds as a Dewormer for Chickens

Hobby Chicken Farms are popping up all over the U.S. My little acreage is no exception. I did some research because I want my girls to stay healthy, and I came across this article that says feeding them raw pumpkin seeds would double as a de-wormer for my flock. We gave it a try with the pumpkins we grew in our own garden.

We just put the whole pumpkin in their pen, put a few holes in the top to get them started, and we let our chickens peck away. The hens loved them. And according to Elaine from Sunny Simple Life, “pumpkin seeds are coated in a naturally occurring chemical that paralyzes the worms so the chicken can then expel them.” What do you think? Sounds like a win-win situation to me.

Raw Pumpkin Seeds as a Dewormer for Chickens