How To Store Any Kind Of Squash For Months

How To Store Any Kind Of Squash For Months And Months

How To Store Any Kind Of Squash For Months And Months

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My butternut squash is growing nicely this year so fingers crossed I get a bumper crop. I planted 6 plants this year because last year I had 4 that didn’t make it and I was only left with 1 plant, from that plant I got 2 squash. I was gutted.

It looks like I am going to be getting upwards of 20 squash this year so I did some research on how to store them without a cold room or root cellar. The article I am sharing with you today will show you how to store your winter squash and pumpkins for months. Great if you find great deals in the store or you over planted like I did.

How To Store Any Kind Of Squash For Months And Months