How To Recharge Alkaline Batteries
Did you know that you can easily recharge your dead alkaline batteries and bring them back to life? Here, we will narrate how you can recharge your old alkaline batteries. You can then use these batteries for different electronic equipment that you own. The equipment you will need for this purpose is:
1. Old “dead” alkaline batteries
2. Battery tester simple enough to use without a PhD in electronics
3. Battery charger designed specifically for alkaline batteries
4. Test gear such as flashlights, remote controls, wireless headphones and more
We discovered this technique on an article which explains how you can have a lifetime of free batteries for only $34. We will share the link at the end. All you need is a charger which can charge all types of batteries (AA, AAA, C, D). When you insert a battery into the charger, it will either start charging and say CHA, or a green light. And if the battery is not good for charging, either a red light will blink or it will say BAD.
How To Recharge Alkaline Batteries