How To Make A Soothing Headache Relief Balm That Works

How To Make A Soothing Headache Relief Balm That Works

How To Make A Soothing Headache Relief Balm That Works

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I suffer from headaches and unfortunately migraines too.Sometimes all I do is lay down in a dark room for 30 minutes and that usually helps but sometimes I need a little more help, I know a lot of people say take ibuprofen or aspirin but I haven’t taken a “store bought pill for 3 years” and I don’t want to start anytime soon. The natural way is always the way for me.

So Instead of instantly medicating yourself, carry around a little tin of this soothing headache balm and rub some on your temples, the back of your neck, or anywhere you feel tense or sore to help relieve the pain. Check out the recipe and make yourself a batch and see if it helps you out. It works wonders for me.

How To Make A Soothing Headache Relief Balm That Works