Frankincense and Myrrh Anti-Aging Facial Cream
I pay obscene amounts of money for anti-aging face cream. TBH and don’t tell my hubby but I think I spent over 200 dollars last month alone! (it is cold now remember :P)
I decided to venture off on my own and use homemade or home remedies to fight the wrinkles. I use the recipe I am sharing with you today. I have been using it for about a week now and I love how my skin feels after I apply the cream. I will have to get back to you in a month or two to tell you if the wrinkles are staying away though.
Check out how to make your very own (awesome smelling, BTW) anti-aging cream using Frankincense and Myrrh.
Frankincense and Myrrh Anti-Aging Facial Cream