DIY All-Purpose Healing Salve

DIY All-Purpose Healing Salve

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Having a medicine cabinet that is full of different creams and lotions for specific injuries is both frustrating and cumbersome. Holistic remedies aid in many ways, including offering more bang for your buck, which means less clutter and more space! Nature has already given us the remedy, we just need to get back to the basics.

This all-purpose salve is good for a list of different ailments, some of which include itchy skin, bee stings and cuts. The coconut and olive oil provide support of the salve and, along with the beeswax, aid in locking in the moisture while protecting the skin. The lavender reduces pain, the lemon cleanses and the melaleuca is anti-viral, antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and an antiseptic.

The salve tutorial, in the link below, offers an option to double the recipe, making this a great gift idea too! Whip up a batch for yourself and a friend and store in chap stick tubes for easy applications.

DIY All-Purpose Healing Salve

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